I decided to make another Big Lacy Thing with Beads.
I dunno why; I am not a lacy kind of girl. But I love knitting big lacy things with beads. And they're having a Round & Holey KAL on one of my Ravelry groups. KAL = Knit-A-Long (and yes, I do need to get to work on that glossary of Knitting Terms for the Uninitiated).
Round means it's knitted in the round (although it doesn't have to end up round--it might be square, or a rectangle, or any other shape on the spectrum between circle and not-a-circle).
Holey means it has holes in it; in other words,
lace. I do love to knit lace. Too bad I hate wearing it. Oh well. Big lacy things with beads make awfully pretty gifts.
Himmelblau |
I chose the yarn easily enough. I've had it for a while, waiting for the perfect project. It's blue. Specifically,
Himmelblau. Possibly the prettiest blue on the planet. Certainly the perfect blue for early spring when we are starved for true-blue skies.
The pattern is
Amillë, by Emily Ross. It's a looooong rectangle, knitted mostly in the round. I may actually wear this one--it looks nicely scarf-shaped. Wrapping it around a couple times tends to neutralize the laciness.
Then I had to pick the beads. This part took a little longer. Teeny beads or bigger beads? Sparkly or matte? Clear or blue or light green or dark green or purple or dark purple with a rainbow-y coating or pearl or bronze or gold? I have a significant stash of beads, so I restricted myself to beads already in my possession...which meant I couldn't use the tiny bright silver ones I was already picturing. *
Sigh* But when you have stash, you must work from stash. And man, do I have stash. (Bead stash, that is.
Bead stash. Well, and yarn stash too. I have, um, epic yarn stash. And fabric, but there's no need to get all confessional in here.)
pretty picture of a few of the beads |
pretty picture of a few more |
the bead drawer isn't that pretty |
particularly enjoyable fish button |
I couldn't just go through my bead drawer, because my bead drawer had been overwhelmed by buttons (somewhere along the line I thought it was a good idea to start a button stash, too). So before I could get on with the beads, I had to pick all 7965963 buttons out of the bead drawer, sort them by size and color, put them in ziploc bags, and find them their own little storage bin.
I particularly liked the fish buttons. I left one out so I could enjoy its little fishy face.
And then, at long last, I started stringing beads on my yarn to see how I liked them. Funny thing happened...
I liked all of them. I strung increasingly unlikely colors...and I liked them too! Clearly, this was developing into a situation. Indecision does not suit me. I decided to wait until daylight.
daylight photo of all the pretty beads on the heavenly blue yarn |
It would be fun to draw this out longer, but that would be deceptive. I
never exaggerate. In the cold light of day, it was easy enough to make my choice. Fifth from the right, tiny silvery gray beads. (Of course, I don't actually have enough of them and they are no longer available, but whatever. When I have to choose a complement, I'll blog about it again.)
Watch this space for updates on the Big Blue Lacy Thing With Beads.