Saturday, May 27, 2006

a new work-in-progress

I bought a set of 20 Mt. Vision yellows, so I had to paint another lemon. (Actually, I already had this painting planned...but who could resist 20 Mt. Vision yellows?) I figured I'd share another work-in-progress, as the last one was so enjoyable.
Above are the first two visible steps: the initial drawing, and the blocking-in of some colors. I've got my dark, light and middle tones all on the paper at this point, and I've chosen my over- and under-colors, so now I can relax into it.

(You can't really see the hardest part of starting a piece, which is making and lighting a setup that speaks to me, then deciding what size paper I need and cutting it. Next time I'll take a photo of myself clutching a t-square while tearing my hair. Or maybe not.)

I can already see that the "horizon" is off-kilter...and I also hadn't planned for the lemon to be dead center like that. I wanted all three objects to be right of center, so I'm going to have to adjust.

Here's a close-up of the layers of colors in the background. This part is finished. I wanted to give a sense of how the loose layers of color work together to give depth and texture to the "wall".